Planning - Dwelling

NR Links Town Planning - DwellingDwellings depending on the zoning or overlays may or may not require a planning permit.

A quick call to NRLinks will ensure that you are properly informed with the
planning requirements for your new home.

Most councils now require at least a draft design of the proposed dwelling including a floor plan and elevations for the planning application. This demonstrates the exterior finish and the overall height of the building that needs to be assessed in the planning application.

One of the biggest questions is where you want to put the dwelling and this depends on site restrictions and compliance to the planning scheme. Often we find that we may have to move the location to ensure compliance.

Most dwellings can apply for an exemption for native vegetation removal (for defendable space only)  if they are under a Bushfire Management Overlay.

So where ever your dream home is we can assist you with a permit application.

