Anakie - NRLinks
Anakie - NRLinks
Anakie - NRLinks
Anakie - NRLinks
Anakie - NRLinks

Farming Subdivision- Bushfire Management Overlay - Golden Plains

Golden Plains
3 Months

Project Included

  • Planning report

  • Bushfire Management Plan

  • Native Vegetation Removal Report

  • Integrated Land Management Plan


  • This lot was one parcel of a subdivision in Farming Zone management under a Bushfire Management overlay I completed in 2017 and the new owner wished to locate a new dwelling to the site. 

  • The site had a very high coverage of remnant vegetation and slopes nearing 20 degrees and to limit removal and biodiversity along with the hierarchy of human safety the site could not contain the maximum defendable space unless it was placed in a precarious situation on site. So I proposed to CFA the reasoning for the site chosen and how it complied to Clause 44.06 and 13.02 and along with an alternative method this was accepted by CFA and the proposal was approved by council.

  • The vegetation removal is to be offset via First Party Offset (on site) and I need to complete that work this year.

  • Application was approved.