Environmental Management (EMP)

Environmental - NR LinksThe primary purpose of the EMP Guidelines is to ensure a minimum standard and consistent approach to EMP preparation.

Use of this guideline will improve the contribution that an EMP can make to the effectiveness of the EIA process and assist in ensuring that commitments made in a project's EIA are implemented.

This EMP Guideline was developed in consultation with government agencies, contractors and industry groups.

An EMP is a site or project specific plan developed to ensure that appropriate environmental management practices are following during a project's construction and/or operation.

An effective EMP should ensure:

  • application of best practice environmental management to a project
  • the implementation of a project's EIA including its conditions of approval or consent
  • compliance with environmental legislation and
  • that environmental risks associated with a project are properly managed.


Environmental Management
N R Links EMP
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links EMP
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links Environmental Management
N R Links Environmental Management