Koala Reports

NR Links Town Planning - Koala ReportsNatural Resource Link undertakes Koala surveys in the Ballarat region for ESO5 Koala Overlay.

What is involved in a Koala Report?

The object of the report is to demonstrate whether the site is koala habitat and whether the proposal will impact on the koala.


The investigation is to:

  • Document and map the species of indigenous and native trees present on the site and within 100m.
  • Map koala habitat as per Koala habitat vegetation mapping as contained within the Ballarat City Council Comprehensive Plan of Management-Part.2. (R. Schlagloth & H. Thompson (Aug 2006b)
  • Develop a koala habitat map
  • Provide mitigation measures
  • Address Clause 22.04 of the Ballarat Planning Scheme


Julie has qualifications in Conservation and Natural Resource Management that gives her the expertise to complete the reports.

Please call 0406 459 522 or email info@nrlinks.com.au for a free quote


Koala Reports
N R Links Koala Reports
N R Links Koala Reports

Planning application for a dwelling in Rural Conservation Zone under a Bushfire Management, Erosion and Salinity Overlays....
Planning application for a eight lot subdivision (Residential Zone, Koala Overlay, Vegetation Protection Overlay)  ...