Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges
Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges
Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges
Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges
Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges
Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges
Farm Management Plan  Macedon Ranges


Syndicate Road, Mount Macedon - Permit approved.

This site was zoned Rural Conservation and was a small, developed site with small areas for farming, conservation and a domestic area with a large garden and many old trees. The water way was significant as it was in a catchment, highly degraded and weed infested. The Integrated approach was to separate all three land uses on site, revegetate and fence the waterway and appropriately manage the horse grazing to ensure cover was retained to 90% cover at all times. It was great to work with the Environmental team at Macedon Ranges as they understood what was required and we worked together to achieve this good planning outcome. 

Application was approved.

Farm Management Plan - Macedon Ranges

Macedon Ranges

Project Included

  • Site Assessment for all vegetation, soil risks and weeds.
  • Integrated Farm/Land Management Plan to detail conservation and farming on site
  • Soil Testing to justify carrying capacity for horses.
  • Grazing Plan to show annual rotation-Strip Grazing
  • Waterway Protection and revegetation.
  • Wildlife Fencing details.
Tree Icon Colour

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