BMO Report

Bushfire - NR LinksBushfire Management Reports (BMO ) are required in many country areas and often are a balance between the native vegetation and clearing a safe site for a new dwelling. The bushfire management reports are a requirement of the Bushfire Management overlay (BMO) which identifies sites that potentially are a higher risk for bushfires.

The BMO is a planning overlay across the whole of Victoria. The bushfire management overlay requires a higher design level for new dwellings to provide resilience to a fire. Houses can be replaced after a fire but this can take up to 12 months before you can look at living on your site again. This is a huge disruption for you and the community and the new regulations in Victoria are an attempt to reduce this impact. The report is lengthy but covers all risks to the proposed site and provides safe access for you and fire fighters in the event of a fire.

The Bushfire Management Plan is one part of the report and details the defendable space,  CFA conditions, BAL rating and is stamped by council as part of the planning process.

A qualified Bushfire Planner not only works with the setback tables in the Planning and Environment Act but can undertake specified site analysis and quantify actual radiant heat flux levels. This can mean a more realistic BAL level that what the general tables provide.

NRLinks is qualified to undertake commercial applications in Bushfire Management Overlays previous permit applications have been for services such as a compost facility, caravan park and camping facility.

BAL + BMO Services

New dwelling in Rural Conservation Zone under a Bushfire Management Overlay in Waterloo, Vic   Application ...
Planning application for a dwelling in Rural Conservation Zone under a Bushfire Management, Erosion and Salinity Overlays....
This site is in Rural Conservation Zone (135.8ha) and 70% remnant cover and the balance used for Farming. ...